Luxury Items

While light weight gear for hiking is great for helping you move quickly and efficiently for longer distances, sometimes you want to bring some heavier items to increase the comfort level at camp.

Though I would never bring such luxury items on a thru hike, companies are constantly creating relatively light and compact options to make your experience in the wild more comfortable. You can definitely find some of this gear lying around my car camping / base camp / festival camping set ups.

The following are the stats and my humble opinions on some of the luxury outdoor products I’ve used and liked (or not):


Alite Designs Monarch Chair – $69.95

Weight: 582.4 g / 20.8 oz / 1.3 lb

Certainly not ultra light, and probably too heavy to take on a long distance trip,  the Alite Monarch Chair is one of the lighter weight options for stationary / base camp / car camping furniture. Packs up to a size just slightly smaller than a foot long sub.











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