The Eastern Continental Trail (ECT)

The Eastern Continental Trail is actually a route, comprised of 6 main trails, and connecting road walks. The entire route extends from Nova Scotia down to the southern most point of the United States in Key West, encompassing the entire east coast of the upper North American continent by way of (from North to South) The International Appalachian Trail, The Appalachian Trail, The Benton Mackaye Trail, The Pinhoti Trail, The Florida Trail, and The Overseas Heritage Trail.

The route is over 4800 miles long. The first recorded thru hike of the ECT was in 1997 by John Brinda. In 1998 Nimble Will Nomad brought more attention to the trail, capturing his epic journey in a book. A relatively small but growing number of thru hikers complete it each year.


If you are ready to start planning your own thru hike of The Eastern Continental Trail, you can find all of the information you will need on my “How to Plan for and Hike The Eastern Continental Trail” page:

How to Plan for and Hike The Eastern Continental Trail